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  2. Events and Tickets

Managing Ticket Bookings

Review all booking details for all your ticketed events.

In the Admin Area navigate to Tickets > Ticket Events 

NOTE: If the Event Date has passed, then the event will sit within the "Past Events" tab


Each event has a Booking button.  Clicking this will display all users who are registered to the event. A Print button will also be visible.

ch-admin-event-bookingThe blue "+" circle can be clicked and will show all Attendee names and if they have supplied a Medical Condition, this will be shown in brackets next to the attendee. Form information will also be available

Booking Name - the name of the attendee who made the booking

(x Spaces) - next to the booking name will be the number of spaces that have been booked

Team - if teams has been enabled on the event, and a team exists, the details will show in this column

Raised - this will display the monetary value of what has been raised

Progress - a graphical representation of the users fundraising percentage progress against their target

View Page - clicking this button will take you to the users fundraising page for reference